Monday 27 March 2017

Now my baby is two

My little superhero is now two this year. 
He is already a big man now
He's a chatter
He has his own attitude now.
He is developing his taste and preferences. 
He is very much into puzzles and singing

People often talk about the trouble two; the scary stage when your kids kids are starting to be very active, mobile and into everything. Their favorite question at this age would be "What is that?" for everything that comes in front of them. 

This is also the stage where your kids throw their tantrum at shopping mall, screaming and crying out loud with people staring at you giving 'that look'. You know, the look of "What kind of mother are you that could not control your own kid?"

We've been there, right? At first, i felt so bad that I am not the perfect mum. Along the way, I am starting to care less about that. I stop thinking what everyone else is thinking about me and just focusing on the moment. Believe me, it saves so much energy. 

Now my baby is two, 
I am starting to miss the baby smell, 
I miss those little feet that seems so small, 
I miss the first time we met, 
I miss the first time he called me 'ibu'

Soon enough, he is going to say "Goodbye ibu, I am going to school" with me just standing there watching his back. 
Soon enough, he will talk to his friends more
Soon enough, my baby is going to be a man
Soon enough, he would no longer need my help anymore
Soon enough, I'll be missing today

So now, let's appreciate all the little thing. Let's laugh with all the jokes they made. Let's literally be be there (not just physically, but mentally as well) for our kids. Let's cherish every moment we have with them.

Remember, they are only two once


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